Drama in the Southland!

The War on Christmas went South this week as one teacher complained about another teacher's bulletin board display in a Louisville, KY elementary school!
...The Christmas tree [bulletin board] at Brandeis Elementary was made out of construction-paper cutouts of children’s hands. Above it, it said: “Santa’s Helpers,” principal Servita West-Jordan said.The right decision?! The right decision would have been to let those Indian or Muslim kids know all about our holy and peaceful Christmas celebration so they can become good Americans!
West-Jordan said she asked the teacher to remove the word’s “Santa’s Helpers” because she agreed that students in the class who were Indian or Muslim might be offended because they don’t necessarily believe in Christmas or Santa Claus.
West-Jordan said the teacher removed the entire display about a week and a half ago, replacing it with a note that said the Grinch had stolen the bulletin board.
The teacher put the tree back up the next day with the words “Happy Holidays” above it.
“Everybody seems pleased with the outcome and we’ve moved past it,” West-Jordan said.
Aukram Burton, the Jefferson County Public Schools’ multi-cultural expert said, the district’s policy calls for holiday displays that don’t favor one religion over another.
“We want to include everyone and not to exclude anyone,” he said.
Burton said West-Jordan made the right decision by allowing the Christmas tree to stay but requesting more inclusive words to go along with it.
We're going to have to chalk this one up as a defeat. Too bad that one teacher didn't put up more than a fight! Wuss!
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